

sri 9 years ago

the miracle of s6

Unamerican mugs are totally cool. I want one.

sri 9 years ago

Millions of kids should enjoy this

After the s6 is underway properly it needs to gain its own momentum as a site you've got to see!

sri 9 years ago

yesterday I made this happen

sri 9 years ago

1000 designs of this?

If you had 1000 designs on here then would folks want to buy something?

sri 9 years ago


If there is a huge selection then that creates its own "content magnet". Each good joke earns a dollar and that's good enough for me.

sri 9 years ago

let's span time

It's about absorbing an hour of someone's time with content.

That is the true holy grail of content that all these landing page folks are missing. You've got to hold their attention for an hour and then they love you. That's where "bloggers" fail. They are out for a quick click but there is no reason to stay on the site after you like their quick article. Not good enough for me.

sri 9 years ago


How can I get unamerican going in earnest today?

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago


Yes, maybe, but it's a bull market. You yourself have money for an iphone case that is awesome, although $35 is steep I have no comparison cost. Anyway the mugs are $15 and that's worth it...

Any of these items will be FUNNY FOREVER which is the Unamerican promise...

sri 9 years ago


sri 9 years ago

gotta go where my thoughts would take me

sri 9 years ago